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Dental Implants

Our Services

Dental Implants

Dental implants are one of the most popular method to replace missing teeth. They are fixed in the mouth, unlike dentures which needs to be removed regularly for cleaning. The finished result is natural and long-lasting, and feels just like a normal tooth.

What is It?

A dental implant is a screw-like piece of titanium fixed into the jaw for a strong foundation. A crown is then attached to the top of the implant to replace the gap of the missing tooth.

Am I a suitable candidate for implants?

Implants are suitable for most healthy adult individuals. They have very high success rate and often lasts for many years. Some factors that can impact on the success of the procedure is the presence of gum disease or tooth decay. These need to be fully treated before even thinking about implants. Smoking needs to be stopped well before treatment and ideally after the implants are fitted. Smoking reduces healing capacity and can cause complications at the integration point of the implant, not to mention its other effects on general health.

Some medical conditions and the medication can also have an adverse effect on implants. These include diabetes, cancer and gastric reflux.

It’s important to fully discuss your medical history with your dentist in the planning stages of the implant procedure.

What to Expect

A comprehensive dental examination and x-rays or scans will be conducted to assess your suitability for a dental implant. This is to ensure you have plenty of healthy bone structure for the implant placement and anticipate any complications that may arise.

The titanium implant is surgically placed in the bone of your jaw by a specialist surgeon. It is then left for between three to six months so the bone can integrate and heal around the implant.

Our dentists will then check that the implant is securely fused to the bone, and a permanent crown will be attached to the implant.

After healing, the implant will restore the tooth gap like natural teeth. Care for the implant in the same way as teeth, including brushing, flossing, and regular check-ups.

Contact Toukley’s Leading Dentist Today

Call Toukley Dentists at (02) 4396 5777 today to schedule a dental implants consultation.

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